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PostDoc fellow @ ES&S (ESAT, imec-COSIC).

Faculty of Engineering Technology - KU Leuven (Belgium) 


Currently, I am a PostDoc student working with Prof. Nele Mentens. 

My postdoctoral research focuses mainly on investigating the mechanisms of remote attestation in IoT devices. In addition, I am also exploring ultrasonic beacon invasion attacks, smart automotive (CAN bus security) and next-generation of Blockchain IoT applications.


I completed my PhD in Computer Science (Cyber-Security). I was a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics, University of Padova, Italy. Here, I was associated with the Security and Privacy Through Zeal (SPRITZ) research group and worked with Prof. Mauro Conti. 


With my supervisor Prof. Mauro Conti, we worked on lightweight remote attestation techniques for low-end embedded devices, and IoT devices.  I received the prestigious Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) Grant for my PhD.






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